Do you know what’s the biggest challenge for every website owner?
Earning money? No. There are plenty of ways to do so.
Getting leads? No. You can do that through social channels and paid techniques.
Then what’s that point which seems like the biggest hurdle in the way of your success?
Make sure that when your audiences look for your services, they find YOU and not your competitors!
Yes! You need to ensure that people see you at the top spots instead of clicking other websites that offer the same services.
But how can you possibly do that? You need to increase organic traffic to your website – which refers to the audience who naturally found your website at the top and visit your website through Google and not any other source.
So, what are the smartest ways to drive traffic to your website and convert them into potential leads?
That’s what we have discussed today in our article. I hope you will learn a lot if you stick to this post till the end.
Never Stop Creating Good Content

I have said that hundreds of times, and I am saying it again: Never stop creating good content for your website. Content is a king and SEO is a queen. Feel the power of good content. It can bring thousands of visits to your website every day, but only if it’s engaging, well-written, and SEO friendly.
Yes, creating lots of good content is the most brilliant way to drive organic traffic. Create lots of persona-optimized content which discusses your specific products and services. Do not post articles on your website only but also consider outbound sources as well because they can help bring traffic, leads, and ranking.
When you will have poorly-written, spammy or low-quality content, you will simply do more harm than good; and I am sure this is the last thing you would want for your website. Right?
Do not only focus on creating long-form articles only, but also create micro-blogs, audio & video content, and infographics.
Focus on Blogosphere Tactics
Have you ever heard about the term “blogosphere”? Don’t worry, if you haven’t, let me share the basic idea.
The blogosphere is usually a reciprocal kind of place.
You can read, share, comment, and add links to different people’s websites specifically those that are related to your niche. When they’ll read and check your comment, they will also link to your website, which in turn attracts more prospects and leads.
The best place to get started is Quora. You can simply use the channel to voice your opinion and spend some time answering different questions that provide real value to your audience. You can have tangible insights into that particular area you have mastered in.
Reddit is also a good place for it, but you have to be very careful while discussing anything as there are chances of getting shadow-banned if you don’t follow their rules and regulations.
Use Long Tail and Specific Keywords
The next smartest tactic is to use long tail keywords that best define your services.
Do not just choose some popular keywords that other competitors are targeting too. But use those phrases and search terms that are specific to your product.
When you choose the right set of keywords that people have been frequently using and searching for, then chances are your audiences will find you at the top as search engines tend to provide the most relevant results based on keywords and queries. That’s why keyword research is important as it helps figure out the right search terms to target.
After that, your website will automatically get ranked on all the long tail and specific keywords. Once you rank them, work on other hard keywords that your competitors are targeting. As you are already ranked on several keywords, so this won’t be hard for you. Just follow the same tactics.
Optimize Your Meta Tags and Other On-Page Factors
Now let’s focus on optimizing your meta tags.
Yes, I am talking about meta title, meta description, focus keywords, and URL. These are the basic ingredients for a well-optimized page or blog post. These are simple yet effective to do.
In fact, all the on-page SEO factors are very important to consider. However, meta descriptions, as well as metadata, basically mean that you are telling search engines what this page is all about.
We at White Links use plenty of amazing tools such as Yoast SEO plugin, Ahrefs, SEMrush, and others to optimize your pages effectively. However, it’s not that simple to ‘install a plugin’, you need to do a lot of work at the back end for getting desired results.
Invite Bloggers to Write Guest Posts for Your Site
This is another great tactic for building organic traffic. Invite qualified and acknowledged authors to create guest posts for your site. They diversify your topics and different perspectives and also share the article with others and then link it to different websites which possibly bring new leads and visits to your platform.
However, you need to ensure that the content is original, flawless, unique, and engaging. It shouldn’t have any spammy links, otherwise, your website will face a Google penalty.
Do NOT Miss Internal Linking
When you create and publish your content, make sure you add 2-3 links to different relevant pages of your website. By doing this, you can simply drive traffic to every page on the site and also keep visitors engaged and make them stay longer. You give people to explore different pages on your website which will probably add maximum value and in turn, you receive more traffic and leads every day.
Get Help from Experts to Drive Organic Traffic
In the end, I would recommend you to choose professional help for driving maximum organic traffic to your site. The tactics are a bit complicated and challenging and perhaps quite difficult to implement for common business owners who have less knowledge about SEO.
However, when you choose a reliable SEO agency like White Links, you can simply accomplish your goals while driving huge traffic and leads to your platform.
So, let’s not wait anymore and get top spots on Google before your competitors do.