Types of Crawl Errors in Google Search Console

Types of Crawl Errors in Google Search Console

Have you ever experienced, you open the report of crawl errors and all you can see is loads of 404, 403, and 500 errors?

If yes, then I am sure you must try all the tips and tricks desperately to get rid of them. However, if you have the least ideas about these errors and how to fix them, then you experience several difficulties. In fact, if you ignore them, your site may fail to appear in search engine results. This means understanding and removing these pesky errors is a major step to getting the site ranked well.

But for that, you must know how to track, detect, and fix all the search console errors that cause problems. So, let’s begin and stick to the article till the end for complete knowledge and information.

Types of Crawl Errors


When a search engine tries to reach a particular webpage but it couldn’t load due to errors called crawl errors. A search engine has divided these errors into two groups.

  • Site errors, in which your entire website cannot be crawled
  • URL errors, which are related to some specific URLs

Now let’s check out the details and further types of these crawl errors.

Site Errors


  • DNS Error:

A DNS or Domain Name System error actually means that Google cannot directly communicate with the server either because the server is not performing well, or because it has detected some issue with the DNS routing to your website domain. These are just temporary issues that can be fixed.

In order to fix them, Google recommends tools like Fetch as Google, to check out how Googlebot tends to crawl the page. If Google is failed to fetch the page properly, then you need to check with the DNS provider to detect the overall issue.

  • Server Errors:

You probably see these types of errors for URLs, which simply means that Googlebot cannot access your URL, or either your site was busy or request time was out. Sometimes it also means that your website has plenty of visitors so the server is failed to handle all the requests. All these errors are defined as 5xx status codes.

Server errors are usually the type of errors that can cause serious problems and you should really be worried about them. If Googlebot encounters these server errors on the website, then it is a very strong signal that there is something wrong with the website and you immediately need to fix it. If you don’t, you may experience reduced rankings.

  • Robots Failure:

Before Googlebot begins crawling your website, it also tends to crawl the robots.txt file to check if there are any pages that you don’t want to index. If the bot is failed to reach the robots.txt file then Google will immediately postpone the crawling rather than risk crawling all those URLs that you don’t want to get crawled and indexed. That’s the reason, it’s important to ensure that the robots.txt file is available.

Now you need to fix this error too. You can simply double-check which of the pages you instruct Googlebot not to crawl. If the files are already in order and you are still getting different errors, then you need to use a server header checker tool to detect whether the file is giving a 200 or 404 error. 

Therefore, it’s recommended getting professional help for fixing these kinds of search console errors. At White Links, we already have tons of experience in fixing site errors. Let us share a case with you. We had a situation that involved robots.txt failure. Our client contacted us because he was constantly receiving robots.txt errors. 

When our technical SEO specialists performed a detailed analysis of his website, he figured out that there are multiple mistakes in the robots.txt file configuration. After that, our team tried to fix the issue in minutes and then their website got active and ranked on Google.

URL Errors in Search Console


Now let’s find out the types of URL errors in the search console.

  • Common URL Errors:

These are the errors that every website owner faces once in a while. Common URL errors usually occur and start causing problems when search engine tends to crawl any specific web page. There might be some occasional DNS error among those errors, or sometimes it has any server error for the specific URL.

That’s why things get complicated and a good SEO expert can easily handle that as compared to a common person with no knowledge of technical issues.

  • Mobile-Only URL Issues:

Mobile-only URL error always refers to the crawl failure which usually give issues on smart devices. If the website is fully responsive, then mobile-only URL errors won’t appear at all.

The most certain kind of mobile-only URL error is some faulty redirects. Many websites use several URLs for desktop as well as smartphone users. Thus, a faulty redirect happens when your desktop page is not redirecting mobile users correctly to a page or which is something different from their query.

Let’s Fix Your Crawl Errors in Google Search Console

Crawl errors are usually something that cannot be avoided at any cost. Luckily, these errors do not have any essential immediate negative impact on the performance of your website. If you encounter them, you need to find out the underlying causes as soon as possible.

And for that, it’s best to get professional help from White Links specialists. We have a team that can help you fix any kind of Google search console errors with great knowledge and proven expertise. We have done this in the past and currently doing so as well. That’s the reason, we have tons of customers who always approach us for identifying and fixing these search console errors.

Once we fix it, there are no chances that your website experiences any ranking issues. So do not waste any more time and get a complete report of errors and solutions so that your website can beat competitors by being a 100% high-performing platform.