6 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Create Flaw-some Content

6 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Create Flaw-some Content

Are you a content creator? Or might be a content marketing agency that implements new hacks to craft absolutely flaw-some content?

Whatever the case is, creating good, engaging, and awesome content has become an essential need of an hour. If you don’t focus on good content, you might lose potential leads to competitors, and I am sure this is the last thing you would want right now. Agreed?

Well, you don’t have to rely on those old, outdated, and boring tactics for creating flaw-some content. Today I have compiled a list of some amazing and ridiculously simple ways that can help create super-engaging content for your audience. And believe me, every time I follow these tactics, I luckily generate 10x engagement on my website.

Do you want the same for your site?

Wait, you have to follow the below tricks right now. Don’t waste a single moment because every moment wasted is a complete loss for a business.

I hope you got my point by now.

  • Let’s Just Focus on the Audience:

According to Ken Danby:

“Don’t just cater to the audience, inspire the audience”

And I completely agree with that. But the point is, how can you inspire the audience? By creating engaging content that actually matters for them, and benefits them. Your content should give some value and prove helpful for the people. 

Because your audiences are the reasons you are creating content. So why not make it persuasive and convert? Besides, it should be entertaining enough to get them to stop and read.

Most companies fail at the start because they don’t focus on the right audience. They create content without even considering what their audiences will like and even if it’s beneficial for them in some way or not.

So instead of crafting something that sells, create something that delivers value to the audience. But make sure you target the right people so they can understand and respond well to your services.

  • Do Not Forget to Check the Facts:

Do you want your audience to trust you? well, it is only possible when you give them truthful information.

Fact-checking is extremely important as it helps build a loyal audience who always trusts your credibility.

I know that every writer can make mistakes when it comes to creating content on new or complicated topics – but you can make it right when you include facts based on some research or according to the findings of acknowledged authors.

When you establish a proper content standard as unbiased as well as factually accurate, it means that people will trust you and consider you a thought leader in the industry.

  • Add Quotes or Research to Back up Content:

Referencing your points and data make your content valid and add a lot of credibilities. It makes your audiences think that you are a good source of information. And every time they will need help, they will turn to you. This increases your overall value in the market. And what else do you need more?

For example, in my latest article Interesting Stats and Facts About Local SEO, You Should Know, I have explained some facts about local SEO that might grab the attention of audiences, deliver great value, and make them believe that White Links are a good source for local SEO so why not consider them?

  • Use As Many Visuals as You can:

That’s another fact. You need to use as many visuals as you can. Visuals are great for creating engagement and trust. The fewer the visuals, the more chances of increased bounce rate!

When you show people a picture of a graph, an infographic that explains your service, or a table that defines your company, is 90x better than creating long-form content.

Visuals can even act as a metaphor. One simple stock photo can help make a point about illustrating something specific.

So, whether you are creating a blog post or writing a service on your website, it must have lots of visuals such as photos, videos, graphs, charts, tables, and infographics.

  • Never Include Jargon:

Your content should always be easy to understand. If your audiences are failed to understand, there is absolutely no purpose in creating content. And depending on the audience you are writing for; jargon is quite difficult to understand. It confuses people and they don’t know what value it offers.

Many people could have an advanced understanding of the topic than other people, so in that case, you can simply adjust the language as well as subject to target them separately so they can also consider you the right source of help & information.

If you are not sure about the language is appropriate and understandable, you can ask your intended audience to check through the content and then identify jargon. After that, you can simply exclude and write more carefully next time.

  • Tweak Headlines for the Better:

I am sure that you have come across several articles that focus on creating the best headlines to capture the audience’s attention. For example, this and this article features good headlines. You can also create like them and engage as many people as you want. 

Your headlines will determine whether the article is engaging enough to get visits or not. If you use simple one-two words headings, your audiences might not focus well and immediately quit the page. 

With engaging headings, you can leverage lots of benefits which include:

  • More traffic leads to the website
  • People will notice and click on your content over others. Engaging and understandable headings get more people in the door.
  • Good headings will help people learn that your content is valuable and people can share it with others

Final Thoughts:

In the end, I would only advise you to keep your content simple and informative and it must meet the SEO guidelines so it can get ranked as well.

It should be unique, original, keyword-optimized, and according to the SEO rules so that Google can consider you the best source of information.

Want more help? No worries. Consult with our SEO specialists to learn how to make your content according to SEO rules.